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Bonus Tier 2

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Juicy AF Journal

Receive a physical copy of our specially branded Juicy AF journal delivered directly to your home!

30 min 1:1 Success AF call

A personal 30-minute call with Kay Allison to create your individual plan of freedom from drinking and what underlies your drinking

Digital Wallpaper Downloads

Get access to our Juicy AF branded wallpapers to help inspire you everyday

Juicy AF Workbook

The Juicy AF (*Alcohol-Free) 45-page workbook will also be delivered to your home to help you transform your relationship with alcohol

7 Scripts for Sticky Situations PDF

Download the 7 Scripts for Sticky Situations to help you navigate potentially tricky moments you may encounter

Bonus Tier 2

Download All Of The Above Plus The Following:

Tier 1 Bonuses

All bonuses from Tier 1

Virtual Book Club with Kay

Join Kay as she hosts a LIVE Virtual Monthly Book Club to help guide you and your friends through Juicy AF

7 Scripts for Sticky Situations PDF

Download the 7 Scripts for Sticky Situations to help you navigate potentially tricky moments you may encounter

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Join The 7-Day Email Challenge to Downshift Without Drinking

You can create an alcohol-free life that is joyful, interesting, and vital. Join other AF women who focus on hope, possibility, and growth. NO MEN ALLOWED.